Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Black Mamba

black mamba marijuana strainBlack Mamba has both Indica parents of Black Domina and Blue Bubblejuice, and she couldn't be more proud. This strain babe hybrid produces thick rock hard nugs that are very potent and resinous. She will treat ya to THC @ 24.34% & CBD @ 4.65% .... what a joy.

Black Mamba's awesome resin production is the hallmark of her family.  She is very sticky to the touch so it is suggested that a vaporizer will work better than a joint or smoking it. She is definitely part of the 'cream of the crop' selection of any friendly neighborhood dispensary.

Black Mamba, like you can see in the picture, has deep purple/darkspotting, if not black areas, that  springs groups of orange hairs. Her perfume is rich and pungent of grape and bubble gum with hints of sweet cream and mint with a strong hit of fruity menthol that seems to hang out in the nose after medicating.

Black Mamba is a nice babe strain to end the day with, wind down and chill with. She is very cool before bed or winding down the evening watching TV. Be careful with her, she hits hard and fast for excellent pain relief and has a nice soothing body tingle. She could give you a case of 'couch-lock' if you don't pace her and give her no respect.

Black Mamba marijuana strain on THCFinder.Com, and see what people had to say about Black Mamba, and how Black Mamba affects various conditions and ailments.

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